Jesus Never Existed

Articles and videos by Kenneth Humphreys - 8 million+ visitors

Jesus Never Existed

Imaginary Friend

Christianity was the ultimate product of religious syncretism in the ancient world. Its emergence owed nothing to a holy carpenter. From the age of the Ptolemies, Alexandria was the cooking pot of religious fusion and the land of Egypt provided many of the themes and much of the detail for what later emerged as “Christianity”.
Serapis – Greco-Egyptian version of Zeus that was supplanted by Jesus
Do you really think it all began with a sanctimonious Jewish wonder-worker, strolling about 1st century Palestine? Prepare to be enlightened. There were many Jesuses but the fable was a cultural construct (and following a star would lead you in circles!)

Jesus ben Phiabi, Jesus ben Sec, Jesus ben Damneus, Jesus ben Gamaliel …

A pregnant virgin, a new star in the sky, birth announcements that somehow reach all the way to wise men from the east, a flight to Egypt and a massacre of babies? If it all sounds too outrageous to be true that’s because it is.
A pretty tale foretold? A virgin birth? A census and a stable? Not on your life.
The genealogies of Jesus are pious fiction. Matthew was the first to introduce ancestry into the Jesus story and the writer had a Jewish, not a universal, audience in mind. Matthew tied his Jesus to the Hebrew patriarchs and began his yarn with the mythical Abraham.

Garden frolics?

Luke pushed his alternative Jesus genealogy all the way back to the first man Adam, in keeping with his idea of a saviour for all mankind.
The evidence for a 1st century town of Nazareth does not exist! – It is an imaginary city for an imaginary godman. Nazareth did not exist in the 1st century AD – the area was a burial ground of rock-cut tombs.
Jesus lived where?
If you think the godman was “perfect” and only the Church was a disaster, better check this out. With multiple authors behind the original gospel story it is no surprise that the figure of “Jesus” is a mess of contradictions.
Love? Jesus threatened retribution to his enemies.
Are Christians any better than anyone else? And just what is the truth about that modern saint Mother Teresa?

Fund raiser extraordinaire.

The twelve disciples are as fictitious as their master, invented to legitimise the claims of the early churches. Around the non-existent godman inventive minds fabricated the phantom lives and heroic deaths of a gang of Jesus groupies.

The fishy twelve

The original Mary was not a virgin. That idea was taken from pagan goddesses. Vesta, Diana, Artemis, Isis – the pagan world knew all about virgins getting pregnant by randy gods. In the gospels, the shadowy figure of Mary, destined to become the most pre-eminent of all the saints and Queen of Heaven, at best, is a two-dimensional nonentity. But a few centuries of creative story telling fused all the paraphernalia of pagan myths into the Christian one and fashioned a handmaiden for the Church of Rome.


Mother and child, pagan style.

Scholars have been revealing the truth about Christian origins for more than 200 years. With vast interests to protect Christian apologists repeatedly declare the “Jesus myth is dead” but in the 21st century the unmasking of biblical fraud has gone further than ever before.
Priestcraft is a highly profitable business and finances an industry of deceit to keep the show on the road. The supposed ‘evidence’ of Jesus’s existence fills many volumes. The desire for quick-fix salvation and something easy on the brain cells allows the $ multi-billion industry of religion to exploit a general ignorance of science and history. Suspect logic, semantic trickery, and a showman’s pizzazz deceives the unsophisticated and packs in the fans of Jesus.
Mother and child, pagan style.

Jesus packs them in

Nailing that nonsense about ancient evidence. “Jesus better documented than any other ancient figure” ? Don’t believe a word of it. Unlike the mythical Jesus, a real historical figure like Julius Caesar has a mass of mutually supporting evidence.
Tropaeum – ceremonial stake on which the Romans displayed captured armour.

Christianity, like all religious movements, was born from myth-making and many currents fed the myth, including astrological speculation, pagan salvation cults, Hellenistic hero worship, and the imperial cult itself, manufactured at precisely the “time of Jesus”, with its own sacrificed saviour (Divus Iulius), its own gospel of a son of god (Res Gestae Divi Augusti), its own priests and temples, established in the very same urban centres which later witnessed the emergence of early Christianity. Ignorance of science and history, suspect logic, semantic trickery, and a showman’s pizzazz deceives the unsophisticated and packs in the fans of Jesus.

The truth is that Christianity grew from neither a god nor a man but out of what had gone before; a human Jesus was no more necessary than was a human Horus, Dionysos, Mithras, or Attis.

Can we explain the emergence of Christianity without its humanoid superstar? Of course we can.

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